How Can We Find A Person’s Blog On Twitter: 5 Easy Ways

 Twitter is a very popular social media platform used by millions of people.

Twitter is becoming increasingly popular with academics as well as students, policymakers, politicians, and the general public.

So, it becomes difficult to find a person’s blog on Twitter among the millions of users.

In this post, I will share some ways through which you will come to know how can we find a person’s blog on Twitter.

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1. Search By Their Name

If you want to find a person’s blog on Twitter, but you don’t know the name of their blog.

In this situation, you can directly type the name of that person in the search bar of Twitter, because the person who has any blogs or websites will definitely provide a link of his/her blog in the profile.

Now, you can simply click on the link that you’ve got in that person’s profile to visit their blog.

Let’s understood this with an example,

Suppose, You want to search for Ankur Gohite’s blog on Twitter but you don’t know his blog name.

So, you can simply write his name in the search bar of Twitter and search for it. Like I have done in the image below.

twitter dashboard

Now, you have to click on Ankur Gohite’s profile, in his profile, you’ll see a link of his blog or website.

Find a Person's blog on Twitter

Click on that link to visit his blog or website (As you can see in the image below).

By following this instruction you can easily find a person’s blog on Twitter.

2. Directly Search With Blog Name

You can also find a person’s blog on Twitter by directly searching his/her blog’s name if you already know the blog name.

When you search for a blog name. Twitter will show all the tweets that contain the blog name from which you can easily find who is the owner of that blog.

For example, You’re searching for huppdigital, Twitter will show all the tweets that are linked with huppdigital or contain a keyword huppdigital.

Twitter to find a blog

Click on those tweets and you’ll be redirected to the person’s profile who has tweeted that post and you will come to know about which person is working on that blog.

This is another way to find a person’s blog on Twitter.

3. Use Hashtags To Find A Person’s Blog On Twitter2q

You can use hashtags to find a person’s blog on Twitter.

Maybe you’re thinking, How?

So, here is the answer.

If you want to find a person’s blog on Twitter, you probably have a piece of information about the niche of that blog.

Maybe that blog’s niche is health & fitness, technology, blogging, education or anything.

You can use this hashtags like #Blogging, #WritingCommunity to find the blog of any specific person.

When you search for this hashtags on Twitter you’ll see too many tweets that are using this hashtags to get more views on their tweets.

Twitter search bar

If the person’s blog you’re searching for using the same hashtags, you can find his/her blog in those hashtags.

4. Search On Google

Google is a platform where you can get all the information, Google tries it’s best to solve the query of people.

If you want to find a person’s blog on Twitter, the easiest way will be Google search.

Just type the name of the person or the name of the blog in Google search bar that you want to know and you’ll get all the related information of your query.

For Example, you want to find Neil Patel’s blog on Twitter.

Open your Google Tab. 

Search for Neil Patel Twitter, you will see the Twitter profile of Neil Patel In Google result page.

Google search

Click on that URL and you’ll be redirected to Neil Patel’s Twitter profile, there you can find the link of his blog or website.

So, Google search is also one of the great ways to find a person’s blog on Twitter.

Now, when you already know about the ways to find a person’s blog on Twitter, it is also important to know why Twitter is important.

5. Importance Of Twitter

As I have already mentioned, Twitter is becoming increasingly popular in various categories of people.

It is a microblogging system that allows everyone to post short articles called tweets. In those tweets, you can add links to your blogs, books, YouTube channels to increase traffic and sales.

Twitter is widely used by smartphone users who don’t want to read long contents.

With the help of Twitter, you can easily promote your blogs, books, and YouTube channels.

You can also reach a large number of people quickly through tweets and retweets.

You can build a good relationship with experts and other followers.

You can reach a new audience to increase the sales of your company or your WooCommerce website.

Overall, Twitter is a good platform for engaging with people’s, share information, promotion of blogs and much more.

Wrap up on How Can We Find a Person’s Blog on Twitter

Hope, by reading this article you come to know about the answer to your question, How to find a person’s blog on Twitter.

If you’ve any other query, tell us in the comment section, we will feel happy to help you.

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