Get Rid of Your How to do Keyword Research Problem

Keyword research is an essential part of your SEO strategy. Before creating your website’s content you should know what your audience is searching for.

If nobody is searching for what you’re writing on your website, you won’t get traffic from search engines, like Google, Bing, and Youtube.

So, make sure that whatever you’re writing on your website, people are searching for it.

How to know what people are searching for?

Keyword research is the best way to know what people are searching for, in different search engines.

When you choose the right keyword for your content your website’s traffic, SEO ranking, earning, and everything starts to increase.

Before starting How to do Keyword Research, let’s understand the basics.

1. Keyword Research Basics

Basically, keywords are the words that people type in search engines to get an answer to their queries.

Keywords are also known as search queries.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is a process of finding profitable keywords for your website on which you want to rank for in search engines.

By doing keyword research you can find how many people are searching for the specific term.

By knowing the volume of those keywords you can decide that you should write content on those keywords or not.

Why Keyword Research is Important for SEO?

Keyword research is the first and most important part of creating valuable content. By doing keyword research you get to know what people are searching for.

Many websites are there that gets no traffic from organic search because they didn’t focus on keyword research.

Sometimes they write content on those topics that no one is searching for.

If you don’t want to make this type of mistakes make sure that you’re focusing on keyword research.

Keyword research helps you to know:

  • What maximum people are searching for?
  • How much it is hard to rank for that keyword?
  • How much effort you’ve to put to rank on Google?
  • How much traffic you will get from that keyword?
  • How much competitive the keyword is?
  • How much content you’ve to write to rank on that keyword?

2. How to Find Keyword Ideas?

Keyword research starts by knowing what people will search for your business. You can use different tools to know the search term of your customers.

It’s time to generate a list of keyword that people are searching for.

Brainstorm a list of Seed Keywords

Seed Keyword is the basic keyword of your keyword research process. You can find a lot of keywords using the seed keyword.

Let’s say, you have a website and you want to find keywords for your website.

For example, you have a blogging niche website. The keyword of that website might be:

  • Blogging
  • Website Traffic
  • SEO
  • Blog Posts
  • Content

Note: These keywords are your seed keywords, you can use these keywords to drill down more specific keywords.

Use Google and YouTube Suggestions

Whenever we search for anything in Google and YouTube search bar, some suggestion occurs automatically related to our query.

You can use those suggestions as a keyword for your site because Google will only show those suggestions that are already searched by people and have a good search volume.

For example, your website niche is about blogging and you want to write an article on best plugins, search for best plugins in Google search bar and you’ll get some other keywords related to your seed keyword.

google search bar

You can see in this image, Google is showing the different type of suggestions related to your keyword, one of the best suggestion is “Best plugins for WordPress”.

Now, you’ve got a keyword to write an article on it.

Similarly, you can search for different keywords in Google search bar and take the help of Google suggestion to find new keyword ideas for your blog or website.

Use Youtube suggestion in the same way, type a keyword in the search bar and Youtube will also show different suggestions related to your keyword.

Youtube search bar

You might be thinking that how can I use Youtube suggestion for writing content in my blog. But don’t worry if people are searching those keywords on Youtube they will have definitely searched in Google also.

For example, I am searching for “blogging” in the Youtube search bar, Youtube is showing different suggestions related to my query or question as you can see in the image below.

So, Google and Youtube suggestions are the best and easiest way for beginners to find keyword ideas.

TIP: Always try to find those keywords that have low competition and moderate search volume. If you choose a keyword that has high competition, you’ve to put a lot of effort to rank those keywords.

Instead of that, choose a low competition keyword, put some effort and rank for that keyword easily.

Use Google’s “Search Related to”

When you scroll down the Google SERP’s (Search Engine Result Pages) You see the term “Search Related to” at the bottom of the Google pages.

This shows all the searches that are related to our keyword. You can use those keywords as a new keyword for writing another article or you can simply use those keywords in your content.

You can make your content more informative by involving those keywords in your content.

It increases the chances of your ranking because you are solving more than one query in the same article. Google also give priority to those contents that try to answer more queries.

How to get more keywords using “search related to”?

Let’s understood this deeply, I will explain this by using my own keyword research techniques.

How did I find the keyword “How to do Keyword Research”.

The keyword research begins from the keyword “Keyword Research”. I have searched for keyword research in Google search bar.

Google SERP

Google shows about 43,20,00,000 results for this keyword and the search volume of this keyword was 6,600 (monthly search) and SEO difficulty/competition was 32 that is high.

(I am using Ubersuggest Chrome extension, it shows search volume, CPC, and difficulty in the Google search bar and it’s absolutely free, you can also use it to see all necessary information of your keyword).

So, I look for the other related terms and I found “how to do keyword research” whose difficulty was less than the above keyword and search volume was moderate.

Google's search related to image

If we compare both the keywords:

  1. Keyword Research: Volume – 6,600/mo, SEO Difficulty – 32, both are high.
  2. How to do Keyword Research: Volume – 720/mo, SEO Difficulty – 11, which is low.

As you can see the search volume and difficulty of the second keyword “How to do keyword research” is low and this is good for you.

Don’t look for only search volume, check the difficulty also, less difficulty means higher the chances of ranking. That’s why I have told look for a keyword that has low difficulty and moderate search volume.

3. Keyword Research Tools

There are many keyword research tools available that can help you to do keyword research for your website or blog. Some of them are paid and some are free.

Since I am writing this post for beginner’s, here I will only mention those tools that are free to use. 

In the beginning, we don’t have sufficient money to purchase those premium keyword research tools like Ahrefs and Semrush.

The price of these tools is approximately $99/month. So for a beginner, it’s too high.

But these tools are amazing if you’ve sufficient money then I will recommend to purchase these tools. They help you in different ways to rank your website.

Let’s come to the point and start with free keyword research tools.

(a). Google Keyword Planner

Google keyword planner is a free keyword research tool provided by Google to find the best keywords for your site.

You can use this tool to find new keywords for your site, this tool shows monthly searches, competition, and CPC of any keyword.

Using this tool, you get two different ways to find keywords. The two ways are:

  • Start with keywords
  • Start with a Website

To start with keywords, just type your topic or seed keyword in the search bar.

You’ll get a list of new keywords that are related to your seed keyword.

For example, you are searching for a keyword “Blogging”, Google keyword planner will show you up to 1000 keywords that match with your searched keyword.

Now, you have got a lot of keywords for your content.

Similarly, you can search for different keywords to get thousands of keywords related to your searched keyword.

Google keyword planner not only shows keywords it also shows the Avg. Monthly Searches and competition of that keyword.

  • Avg. Monthly Searches: Average monthly searches shows the average number of searches for this keyword on the monthly range. You can use this information to see how much popular your keywords are during different times of the year.
  • Competitive: This shows how much competitive your keyword is, how much effort you’ve to put to rank for this keyword.

By knowing both this term, Google keyword planner makes it easy for you to choose a keyword according to your requirement.

These are the keywords you can find with the first method, start with a keyword. 

Now, you have a second option remaining, Start with a Website.

To start with a website, you have to insert your competitor’s website link in the search bar.

To find your competitor, go to the Google search bar and type the same keyword “What is Blogging” in the search bar.

The topmost website that rank for this term is your competitor copy the link of that website and paste it in the search bar of Google keyword planner tool.

Google keyword planner website search

When you insert the link of your competitor’s website, you’ll get a list of keywords that your competitor is using in his blog.

You can also use those keywords on your website. Since your competitor is already ranking on those keywords, you can analyse the content of his site to write better content than your competitor.

Analyze and write better content than your competitor to rank fast on Google and other search engines.

 (b). Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is all in one tool that makes SEO easy.

Ubersuggest is best for getting too many keywords in a single place. You can get different keywords and content ideas using this tool.

when you search for keywords in this tool, it shows different types of keywords. Such as:

  • Suggested Keywords
  • Related Keywords
  • Questions
  • Preposition
  • Comparisons

So, you got a choice to choose a keyword according to your need because here you can get many keywords in a single search.

Ubersuggest is not only for keywords, but you can also use this tool for different purposes like getting content ideas, competitor’s analysis and site audit. 

To get keywords ideas, just insert your seed keyword in the search bar of Ubersuggest tool. Click on the search button and it will show a list of keywords based on their search volume, CPC, and SEO difficulty.

suggested keywords

You can also check it’s other features like content ideas, traffic analyzer, and SEO analyzer to improve the SEO of your website.

Site Audit is one of the best features of Ubersuggest, you can all the information about the SEO performance of your site by just inserting the link of your website in the search bar.

It will also show the errors present in your website.

So, if you want to get good keywords for your site, use Ubersuggest tool.


The Hoth is a free keyword planner tool, an alternative of Google Keyword Planner.

The Hoth uses data provided by Semrush the market’s leading SEO tool, so you can get exact data from this tool.

Use this tool to see:

  • Keyword search volume
  • Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Search competition
  • Number of search result
  • Search trend for each keyword

The tool is very easy to use:

  • Just insert the keyword you’d like to get ideas for.
  • Then, look at the list of related terms.

For example, you want to get keyword ideas related to “Website Traffic”, insert this keyword and you’ll get a list of related keywords.

The hoth tool

This tool also shows the exact data of your primary keyword like search volume, CPC, competition, and keyword difficulty index.

4. How to Choose a Keyword

Now, you’ve got a lot of keywords but you can’t target all those keywords at once.

You’ve to choose one keyword amongst those keywords. Also, there is no tool available that can say this is the best keyword for you.

Analyzing is the way of choosing the best keyword from your list of keywords.

The terms that you’ve to analyze while choosing the keyword are:

  • Search Volume
  • Difficulty
  • CPC
  • Click on SEO Results

  Search Volume

The definition of search volume is very simple.

The number of searches this particular keyword has during this month.

The more people search for the keyword, the more traffic you will get.

So, choose a keyword that has a high search volume. Search volume depends on the topic, different topics have different search volume.

When I search for “Blogging” the search volume of this keyword is 2,46,000 and the search volume of “Leather boots” is 18,600.

blogging search in ubersuggest

So, you can see how search volume vary between different industry

Don’t go always for a large number, choose a keyword that has normal search volume in your industry.

Some keywords have a high search volume and some have low. 

Try to target those keywords that have search volume between 100-1k or above.

Difficulty of The Keyword “How to do Keyword Research”.

Difficulty shows how much competition you’ve to face while targeting a keyword. 

The higher the number the more competitive.

If your site is new, try those keywords that are low competitive.

In the beginning, your site has low authority, so you’ll not be able to rank on high competitive keywords.

Then, as your site grows authority, you can start to target more competitive keywords.

Also, try to target long-tail keywords because they have low-competition. As I have mentioned in this post, how did I target for the keyword “How to do Keyword Research”.

I tried to find a long-tail keyword that has low competition.


CPC (Cost Per Click) means how much money you’ll get if a visitor clicks on the Ad on your site.

Higher the CPC, the higher the earning.

Till now you have checked search volume and difficulty of a keyword and hopefully, you’ll be able to get a keyword that has good search volume and low competition.

But, is it good if you don’t get paid for it?

Many keywords have zero CPC means no one is actually spending money on that keyword.

So, CPC is also a factor that you’ve to keep in mind while doing keyword research.

The search volume of my keyword “How to do keyword research” is low, but the CPC is good enough.

Ubersuggesr dashboard

The CPC of this keyword is $6.

Which means that people are spending $6 whenever someone searching for that keyword click on the ad.

So, if you find a keyword whose search volume is not that high, but CPC is good, you can target that keyword.

Click on SEO Results

  There are two types of result Google shows in SERP ( Search Engine Result Page), One is SEO result and another is Paid result.

You’re only targeting for SEO result, so make sure that the keyword that you’re targeting gets clicks from organic results.

 You might have seen that sometimes Google shows too many ads and featured snippets for some keywords.

In that case, the SEO results get less number of clicks.

As you can see the total number of monthly searches for this keyword is 720 but only 332 people click on SEO result and other clicks go to the paid results.

Ubersuggest dashboard

So, you can use Ubersuggest to see how many people are clicking on SEO results and how many clicks on paid results. Based on that choose your keyword.

Whenever you search for a keyword on google and if you see too many ads and featured snippet for that keyword don’t target those keywords because most of the clicks will go to paid results and featured snippet.

Final Words

I really hope that you get sufficient knowledge of keyword research from this post.

Let us know in the comment, which method did you use to do keyword research till now and what new things you learned after reading this post.

Last but not the least, if you’re a beginner, don’t go blindly for higher search volume keywords. Try to target low competitive keywords.

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2 thoughts on “Get Rid of Your How to do Keyword Research Problem”

  1. Thank you for the lecture. It is very informative. Even though I have been using ubersuggest, I have never considered the seo result.
    I also understood how to find a competitor. What I usually do is go to semrush free version, enter my URL and pick one of the competitors listed there. You can check my page on
    Thank you.


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