9 Great Types of Blogs That Make Money

Blogging is one of the best ways to make money online. You can make a considerable amount of money from blogging if you do it in the right way.

To make money from blogging, the first thing you have to do is, choosing a perfect topic/niche for your blog.

If your blog niche is not profitable, you will not be able to make money from it. So, choose a blog that makes money.

Wondering, how to find types of blogs that make money?

Don’t Worry.

In this post, I will tell you about the top 9 types of blogs that make money in every country.

Many bloggers are earning a good amount of money from these types of blogs.

Some of them are earning via advertisement and some are earning via promoting products (Affiliate Marketing).

The first and biggest difficulty that every beginner blogger faces is, choosing the high demand blog topics that make money.

But, you are lucky because your top most difficulty will be solved after reading this post.

How Do Bloggers Make Money?

Before knowing, top types of blogs that make money. You should know how do bloggers make money.

There are different ways available for a blogger to make money.

Some of them are universal ways. Most of the bloggers use those ways to make money.

As I have already said, the top most way of making money as a blogger is advertisement and affiliate marketing.

But there are also so many other ways. I will tell you about them briefly.


Advertising is one of the most common and simple ways of making money as a blogger.

After publishing some (10-12) articles on your blog, you are ready to make money from this method.

You have to apply on Google Adsense to show ads on your blog. After getting the approval, Google will display the most relevant ads on your blog.

Now, whenever your blog visitors view or click those ads, you will earn a commission. Your earning will be automatically added to your Google AdSense account.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people (or the company’s product).

Many bloggers make money from blogging with the help of affiliate marketing. They promote different products on their site and whenever people purchase products using their link, they earn a commission.

The process of affiliate marketing is very simple. Find a product related to your blog niche, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for every sale you make.

Best Affiliate Marketing platforms and networks:

Sell Own products

You can use your blog to sell your own products and services such as ebook, courses, digital products, etc.

You can sell everything through your blog. But to succeed in this, you have to build a loyal audience.

To build a loyal audience, you have to provide them with some value like you can offer them an ebook for free or simply provide quality content on your blog.

So that, they convert form visitors to regular customers.

If you can make loyal customers/audience on your blog. Believe me, you can make a huge amount of money from blogging.

Types of Blogs That Make Money

1. Health and Fitness


In today’s world, where people are suffering from different type of hazardous diseases like Corona and Cancer.

People are looking for the best ways to remain healthy and fit, they are continuously searching for the term ” How to stay healthy”.

The monthly searches of the keyword is 3600.

The health & fitness topic is an evergreen niche. Every day thousands and millions of people search for a different query related to this niche.

So, if you start a blog on Health & Fitness topic, you can get a good amount of traffic on your blog because a large number of people are searching for this term on Google.

You can share information on your blog related to healthy diet, vaccines, and different fitness tips.

In this niche, you can make money by displaying ads on your blog and by promoting the various types of fitness products.

You can find these fitness products on Amazon and ClickBank. Join the affiliate program of these platforms and promote their fitness products on your blog to make money.

On ClickBank, you can find higher priced affiliate products and by promoting those products you can easily earn an average of $25 for each sale.

Examples/Types of blogs that make money in this niche:

2. How to Make Money


Starting a blog and sharing information related to money-making tips is the most successful type of blogs that make money on the internet.

These type of blogs are more competitive than many other blogs present on the internet because many top bloggers are running these type of blogs.

They share their different earnings from different platforms and they also provide some proofs to their readers. So getting traffic to your website in this niche as a beginner becomes difficult.

Because you don’t have any proofs to show to your readers.

Many beginners do this mistake, they start a blog related to this niche and write uninformative articles on their blog.

Whereas top and experienced bloggers write about legit ways of making money and those ways from which they have already earned some amount of money.

So, if you want to start a blog related to this niche, make sure, you have sufficient knowledge about how to make money online or if you have already earned some amount of money from different ways.

You can have a look at our category make money where I share different ways of making money from the internet.

Examples/Types of blogs that makes money in this niche:

3. Travel


If you love to go on trips and capture the moments, a travel blog might be a perfect choice for you. People love to see photos of different locations.

You can upload the photos on your blog. For grabbing the attention of your readers, you have to upload high-quality images on your blog. So, visitors feel an attraction with those photos.

Before going to any new place, people use to search on Google to get information about that place. At this point, you can grab their attention towards your blog.

Many bloggers try to share all the information related to that place. But, you don’t have to repeat this mistake.

If they are only getting information on your blog, they will come once and leave the site. They will even not remember your site name.

If you want that the visitors come to your site again and again then give them the best deals on your site.

Tell them, how to reach that place at a low cost, the best hotels under average price, best guide, and many other deals that you have observed at the time of your journey.

When you provide this type of information, people will come again and again on your site to get the best deals.

You can make money by promoting Amazon products like best travel bags, suitcase, and other travel accessories.

You can even promote the cameras like ” Hey, I am using Nikon D3500 camera for capturing amazing moments of my journey”. You can also try it.

Examples/Types of blogs that make money in this niche

4. Food


Obviously, people are watching lots of videos on YouTube related to food and food recipes. But, that doesn’t mean people are not searching for food blogs on Google and other search engines.

If you look at the stats, the monthly searches for the keyword ” healthy food recipes” is 110,000. A lot of people are searching for queries related to the food blog.

So, a food blog is the topmost types of blogs that make money from blogging and attract a huge amount of audience.

You can get a good amount of traffic in this niche because the top priority in our life is food and people will continuously search for queries related to the food.

Many bloggers like My tasty curry are getting a good amount of traffic on their blog by writing articles like 30-minute recipes, instant pot recipes, and much more.

If you carry an interest in food and loves to make different food recipes then this blog niche is for you. Make different food recipes at your home, click the photos, and write the procedure of the recipe in your blog posts.

If you don’t have a camera for clicking photos, you can download photos from Pexels and Unsplash for free.

Examples/Types of blogs that make money in this niche


People shaking hands

This is a niche where you can write many types of blog posts. You can write about small business ideas, large business ideas, online business, and many more.

Nowadays people understand the power of business, they know the difference between business and a job and they know how a business can be beneficial for them.

That’s why, many people are searching on the internet for business ideas, they are continuously looking for business models that they start at a low initial price.

There are many sub-niches available in the business niche and one of the best sub-niche is an online business. If we are talking about online business then how can we forget blogging and affiliate marketing.

Bloggers like Ankit Singla and Umer Qureshi are continuously providing valuable information on their blog related to blogging and online business.

You can write articles on such sub-niches or you can write articles related to all the categories related to business, you will have a lot of content to write on your blog.

You have searched for the term related to “Blogging” means you have an interest in business and online marketing.

If you are searching for such terms for a long time then you might have good knowledge of business and online marketing and you can share that knowledge on your blog in the form of articles.

Examples/Types of blogs that make money in this niche

6. Fashion/Beauty

Fashion girl

Everyone wants to look attractive and beautiful, for that, they always look for the new trends on Google and YouTube.

You might have seen many influencers on Instagram who wears amazing clothes and promote the latest trends. By doing this, they become more and more famous.

If you are a person who follows the fashion trends and loves to wear designable clothes then you can earn a good amount of money in this blog niche.

Most people think that by wearing the most expensive clothes they will look fashionable (Who has the bank account for that? Can’t be me).

So, you can tell them on your blog, how to look fashionable without wearing expensive clothes. You can have a look at the blog Cosmopolitan, they provide great information on their blog related to fashion and beauty.

They tell their users, the best key to being fashionable is just confidence. Looking more fashionable is not always about wearing the coolest trends, mastering complicated styling tricks, or wearing the most expensive clothes.

You can also provide information to your users in such a way that they don’t have to spend a lot of money to look fashionable.

By doing this, you can build a community of loyal customers and you will be able to sell your own products on your blog.

This will help you to earn a huge amount of money from your blog.

Examples/Types of blogs that make money in this niche

7. News Blog


Many people start their morning by watching the news. You might be thinking that people watch the news on television then who will visit a news blog.

But, I will say, you are wrong.

Look at this stats, the monthly searches of the keyword “Today News” is 1.5m. Every month millions of people visit a news blog for watching or reading the news.

today news keyword stats

News blogs are the blogs that get most of the traffic on Google and other search engines. But, a news blog should be updated every day, otherwise, you will not be able to get traffic on your blog.

So, if have sufficient time to provide latest news on your blog everyday, then you can start a news blog.

If you don’t have time for regularly updating your blog, don’t go with a news blog.

The best way to make money from a news blog is displaying ads. Since news blog gets a good amount of views, you can earn a sufficient amount of money by displaying ads on your blog.

Examples/Types of blogs that make money in this niche

8. Gaming


Gaming blogs are one of the top blog niches that make money in every part of the world. People from all over the world loves to play games.

Especially in Covid-19 pandemic, many games become popular because people had a lot of time in lockdown for playing different games.

Ludo king and PUBG were the most popular games at the time of lockdown.

Ludo King is India’s home ground family game that has been topping the charts even before the Covid-19 pandemic and got more popular during the lockdown.

If you are a type of person who loves to spend time playing games and have good skills and information about different games, then gaming blog niche can be a great choice for you.

On your blog, you can share different tips and tricks of popular games. You might have seen videos of PUBG players like Shroud and Mortal on YouTube, where they provide some tips and tricks of gaming and get millions of views on their videos.

You can also share some gaming tips on your blog or you can give reviews of different games on your blog.

Best way to make money in this blog niche is promoting gaming products on your blog.

You can promote different gaming products such as best gaming laptops, gaming mobiles, headphones, and many more gaming gadgets.

Examples/Types of blogs that make money in this niche

9. Pets


People love their pets and and are willing to spend any amount of money on them.

Many people spend a lot of money on their pets food, they try to provide the best nutrients to their pets because they love their pets too much.

Pet blogs are great examples of blogs that make money in the field of affiliate marketing. You can promote different products on your blog.

The chances that people will purchase products from your affiliate links are the highest because pet-loving people try to purchase products as much as they can.

You can earn a good amount of money in this niche with the help of affiliate marketing.

Examples/Types of blogs that make money in this niche

Wrapping Up On Types Of Blogs That Make Money

Now, you know the 9 types of blogs that make money. You can make a considerable amount of money in this blog niches.

The next step you have to do is, choose a perfect niche for your blog in which you are interested.

If you are reading this blog till now that means you are a procrastinator.

Stop procrastinating, choose a niche and start your blog.

If You Have Any Questions or Problems, Feel Free to Ask, And I Will Respond As Quickly As Possible.


What type of blogs are in demand?

Many types of blogs are in demand nowadays. As people are spending a lot of time on Intenet, the demands of the blog have been increases.
The 9 types of blogs that I have mentioned in this post are the blogs that have high demand.

Are blog still profitable in 2021?

Yes, blogs are still profitable in 2021. You can make very good money without investing a tremendous amount of time.

How do beginner blogs make money?

The best ways for beginners to make money from blogging is Adsense and Affiliate Marketing. Beginners can make money by displaying ads and promoting products on their blog.

Should I start a blog in 2020?

Yes, you should start a blog in 2020. Blogging is still an effective medium for creating content and building an online business. You can earn a good amount of money in 2021 via blogging.

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