7 Easy Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog

I have a good content but still not getting traffic, Why?

What should I do to get traffic on my blog?

These are the question comes in every bloggers mind when they start a new blog and after writing some valuable content also, Didn’t get traffic to their blog.

Nowadays, Getting traffic to a new blog is not an easy task because the competition in blogging has increased a lot.

So, Here I will share some easy ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog.

 1. Use Social Media Platforms

QuoraIt is the best platform for generating traffic to your blog, Quora has the million of your users and they all use it for gaining the knowledge related to their field. 

Many bloggers generate direct traffic using Quora, You can also generate huge traffic to your blog by using it.

There you will find many spaces created by different users you can search for the spaces that are related to your blog niche, Then find the questions that match with your content and write the answer or just paste your blog post there and put a link that redirect the viewers to your website.

Look for the questions that have higher views and answer for those questions only by using this you will get more views and your conversion rate will also increase.

When I have started using Quora my answers get maximum 100 views, But after using these tricks my every post gets an average of 10,000 views.

So, I will suggest you use Quora if you want to get traffic to your Blog.

Facebook: Facebook is a platform used by everyone whether He/She is Student, Businessman, YouTubers and many other persons from different fields.

Facebook is used for running different types of ads.

For getting traffic from Facebook you can either create your own page or join different groups that are related to your blog niche and start sharing your blog post to different groups and pages.

Also, interact within groups by answering some queries and don’t forget to paste the link of your website because your main motive is to get traffic to your blog.

YouTube: When we find any difficulties in our daily life we directly search for them on YouTube or Google.

So, Everyone will suggest you create a YouTube channel so that you can get a combine traffic from YouTube and Blogging, But at the starting it is very difficult to manage both platforms.

But, Don’t worry there are also many other ways to get traffic from YouTube, Some of them are –

  • Search the topic related to your blog and paste your website link there.
  • In the comment section, You will find different questions asked by people’s answer that questions and tell them to read your blog post for any other queries.

LinkedIn: Earlier LinkedIn was used for searching jobs that are provided by different companies but nowadays it is used by many professionals and bloggers.

You can build a connection with many peoples and also you can ask them to help in your blogging journey.

In LinkedIn just post 4-5 paragraphs of your article and then put a link to your website, If peoples are interested in your post then they will definitely come to your website. 

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing is majorly used for two reasons –

  1. Company promotions, Branding, Updates.
  2. Traffic, Leads.

We are using Email marketing to generate traffic, Many tools are available on the internet that we can use for email marketing and they are very important for generating leads and traffic to our blog.

  • Mailchimp
  • GetResponse 

By using these tools you can make a pop-up form that will display on your every post by which user can register their Email ID to your blog.

In this way, you can collect Emails of visitors and when you upload a new post an email will be sent to your every visitors, When they receive these emails their probability of reading your new blog post will increase and your traffic will increase gradually.

3. Write a Good and Long Content

Content is the king, If your content is good and attractive, the reader will read full article otherwise he will leave after reading two or more paragraphs.

Google also focuses on your content if your content is good and long then only you can rank higher on google.

To write good content use some plugins like Yoast SEO or Rank Math which help you in writing optimized content.

Also, remember some points while writing content.

  • Your heading should be amazing and perfect, It’s not be too long nor too short. 
  • Use focus keyword at the beginning of your content.
  • Write a long content, Average 1500-2000 words.
  • Add backlinks to your content.
  •  Use short paragraphs.

Wondering how to start? Then I have good news for you, I’ve created a blog post about How to create a new blog which helps you to start your blog from today.

 4. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a method to obtain inbound links. By writing a post on another website’s blog the author of that website provides you with a link that redirected to your website and it also increase your domain authority.

Look for the publishers who want good content to feed their audience who are related to your blog niche. Write good content on their website and you will be offered by a backlink.

The benefit of Guest Blogging – When you get backlinks from different websites your domain and page authority increases which help you in ranking faster.

If you can get a backlink from a high page authority website then it will become a turning point for you. Your page authority will increase rapidly and you will get traffic to your website easily.

5. Your Site Should be Mobile Friendly

image of a mobile

Optimize your site as mobile friendly because usage of mobile has increased very much now a days. In India, the number of mobiles is more than Toilets.

Google has also reported that 60% of it’s total traffic comes from Mobile and it will gradually increase.

So, You have to focus more on a mobile-friendly website. Dareboost and think with google are the tools from where you can check the speed of your website according to mobile needs.

6. Question Hub (A Great Ways To Get Traffic To Your Blog)

image showing ways to get traffic to your blog

Question hub is a platform provided by Google, You can find different questions asked by people using this platform.

Many people didn’t get the answer related to question and the answers that are suggested by Google didn’t match with their answer, So google collect all that questions and publish here.

With  the help of Question hub, you will come to know that which question people’s are asking and you can answer the questions that are related to your niche.

Next time when anyone search for that question google will suggest your website and you can gain much traffic on that post.

When you answer these questions it means that you are helping Google, So the reputation of your website will also increase.

7. Blog Consistently

  • Consistency in writing a blog is a very important factor of SEO, If you are writing articles periodically then it can affect your ranking factor.
  • When you write your blogs daily google also come to know that you are interested in blogging and you get AdSense approval easily.

Many of the bloggers write too many articles in their starting days and after writing some blogs they eventually stop writing because so many thoughts come in their mind like –

  • I can’t earn money from blogging.
  • I will not get traffic to my blog because of high competition.
  • I am not made for blogging.

Don’t think like this it takes time to get traffic to your blog, So just focus on writing Income will come, not immediately but definitely.

Focus more on your content, not on themes and plugins, Use free themes and plugins don’t invest more in these things. If you want to invest, Then purchase a good hosting it will help you in many ways.

Getting traffic on your blog in starting days is not an easy task, It takes around 2-3 months to generate good traffic on a new blog. So follow all the methods that I’ve mentioned here to get traffic to your blog.

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