10 Easy Steps to Make Mobile-Friendly Website

Everyone is trying to make their website mobile-friendly but why are they trying to do so.

What is the benefit of making a website mobile friendly?

You will get your answer by just knowing these Google facts

  • 60% of Google search come from mobile devices and it will increase in upcoming days.
  • 74% of visitors were more likely to return to a mobile-friendly website.
  • 63% will leave if a site is not mobile-friendly.

So now you can imagine how important it is to make a site mobile friendly.

There are now officially more mobile devices than people in the world.

Google has introduced an update in 2016 called Mobile-first indexing, According to these update-

Your website will firstly index for mobiles then it will index for desktop so that people focus more on making a mobile-friendly website.

Many factors affect your website some of them are Design, Themes, Plugins and Speed.

Here, I will describe all the things that will help you in making a mobile-friendly website.

Steps to Create a Mobile-Friendly Website

1. Don’t use Pop-ups

Using pop-ups in your website can hide your content and the visitors consider it more annoying than anything else.

If you use large pop-ups in your website Google also penalize for it and Google doesn’t consider your website as mobile-friendly.

So try to don’t use such pop-ups in your content.

If you find that pop-ups important for your website then use that pop-up when visitors come at the bottom of your content.

Make sure that your cross mark(×) should have a large size so that user can easily cancel that pop-up if they don’t find it worthy.

Many times we use this pop-up to show subscriber form or giving information about the e-book or some free/paid course provided by us.

It is beneficial to use that pop-up at the bottom of your content by doing so users can increase your conversion rate also.

When visitors find your content worthy they are more conscious to fill that form.

2. Focus on Your Website Speed

test my site page

Speed of your website for Mobile and Desktop are different.

You can check your website speed for Mobile and Desktop separately by using Google page speed.

This tool will show you the speed of your website separately.

google page speed

Nowadays when everyone is using the 4G network, speed matters a lot.

If your site takes more than 3s to load visitor will probably leave your website without seeing your content.

So, optimize your content to decrease the loading time of your website.

When we try to make our site mobile friendly we probably forget about checking the speed of our website.

Don’t do this mistake because if your speed is low then a what will you do with good content.

3. Use Large Font Size

fonts on a image

The Bandwidth of mobile and desktop screen differs in size.

The font that you are using on the desktop will probably look different on the mobile screen.

So use a large size font that is easy to read and visitor didn’t face any difficulty while reading your content. Because when you use fonts that are not capable of reading.

Visitors weren’t able to read that article properly and they just bounce back from your website and look for another better content.

4. Use Plugins that Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

(a).AMP Plugin: Accelerated mobile page plugin accelerate the speed of your website in mobile devices.

image with text

When anyone opens your website in mobile they open another version of your website i.e. AMP version.

When you use this plugin the speed of your website for mobiles increases very fast. Because it creates a version that is capable of mobile-only.

You have probably seen that when we test our website speed, the speed is different for desktop and mobile and the mobile speed is probably lower than that of desktop speed.

So if you are also suffering from mobile from this situation and the speed of your website for mobile is very low then use this plugin.

Using AMP plugin will probably increase the speed of your website.

If your website speed is good then the chances of getting traffic on your website will increase.

(b).Jetpack: Jetpack is a product of a company called Automatic. Automatic is the largest WordPress based company in the world.

Jetpack was build to leverage the power of the servers at WordPress.com.

It helps you make Elegant, Fast and Rich content.

By using this plugin you can convert your website from WordPress.org to WordPress.Com.

WordPress.Com is more capable to use in mobile devices and it also helps in increasing the website speed.

You can add many features to your website using this plugin like social share buttons, menus, search button etc that make your website more attractive.

(c).Short Pixel: This plugin is basically used for optimizing the images and all of us know the advantage of using well-optimized images.

These plugin helps to convert images to a mobile-friendly version. according to your website need, it will optimize your images.

shortpixel plugin image

This plugin is available to use in both free and paid version but in the free version, you can only optimize 100 images per month.

If you want to optimize more images then you have to go for it’s paid version. You can optimize 10,000 images by just spending $10 by using it’s paid version.

You can increase the website speed both in desktop and mobile by using this plugin.

5. Use Responsive Themes

When it comes to SEO themes plays an important role in making your site more attractive and fast.

While choosing the WordPress theme make sure you identify the one which is responsive to both mobile and desktop version and should load within a second.

More than 11,000 themes are circulating in the market and not every theme is perfect for your blog.

Usage of wrong themes can harm your website in both desktop and mobile because many websites increase the load on your website.

So you should use a mobile-friendly theme, I have mentioned some of them below

  • GeneratePress
  • Neve
  • OceanWP
  • Hestia
  • Divi
  • Astra
  • Genesis

hestia theme image

These themes are compatible to perform in both mobile and desktop.

By using these themes you can make your website more mobile-friendly.

6. Use Simple Design

mobile-friendly website

Use simple design in your website, So that when visitor land on your website page they didn’t find any difficulty while reading your content.

Keep in mind that when you write an article or when you customize your website.

It looks different in mobile than that of the desktop so customize your website for mobile devices also.

For easy navigation use a menu bar in the form of a sandwich button that contains all of your blog categories, Home and About us pages.

So that if a visitor tries to read another post on your website it makes an easier way for them to navigate to other pages and posts.

The simple design is also a great example of good SEO if you look at the great SEO expert bloggers post like Neil Patel.

You will find a very simple design in his every post which make visitors read his full article passionately.

7. Don’t Use Flash

Using flash on your website increase the load time. When you use the flash it takes a lot of space on your website.

Many flashes didn’t support different types of devices like mobiles and tablet that creates a bad user experience.

Many service providers will suggest you on not using flash on your website and nowadays usage of flash is no more available.

But if your website is old and you are using it for a long time then I will suggest you remove such flash that can harm your website.

8. Use Large Size Buttons

When we use buttons in our blog post like Read more, View, Subscribe etc. then it is easy to click on them using the mouse cursor.

But when it comes to mobile we have to press it using our thumb.

If the size of the button is small in size user will find difficulty in pressing that buttons and they will probably touch anywhere else.

If you are using too many buttons in your blog post then use large size buttons and place them at some distance from each other.

The screens of mobiles are different for different models some are small and some are large so use the buttons that fix in all categories.

9. Regularly Perform Mobile Testing

Regularly check your website on mobile and analyse it’s a performance that it is working well or not.

Browse your pages carefully by doing so you can recognize small tiny mistakes done by you.

Ask your friends and co-workers to check your website periodically to analyse its performance.

Checking the performance of your website by yourself is the best way to make it better because you can fix all the mistakes that you have done before.

Use different tools to analyze the performance of your website because these tools also suggest us on making our website better.

10. Optimize your Images

Heavy size images can reduce the speed of your website for mobile devices and they usually take too much space of your content.

If you are using an image that is not mobile-friendly that it will look like a cropped image and the visitor will not get all the information from images.

The images that you can see clearly in the desktop will not remain as it is when it comes to mobile.

To optimize your images carefully to show it in mobile devices clearly.

You can use Shortpixel plugin to optimize your images.

Images take a lot of space of your hosting so don’t use large size images and go for well-optimized small size images.

Do You Already Have A Mobile-Friendly Website

You can also check that your website is already mobile-friendly or not.

Mobile-Friendly test s a tool provided by Google where you can check that your website is mobile-friendly or not.

This tool is very helpful for beginners to check that their website is already a mobile-friendly website or not.

mobile friendly test page

Insert your website URL in this tool and it will show you that your website is mobile-friendly or not.

mobile friendly test

This is the result of my website that is already a mobile-friendly website.

If in your case it shows that your website is not mobile-friendly. It will also display the reasons for not having a mobile-friendly website.

Work on those circumstances carefully to make your website a Mobile-Friendly website.


To gain good traffic on your website your website should run on both desktops as well as mobile.

As you know the usage of mobiles has increased rapidly nowadays so you should make your website mobile-friendly.

You can do it by following the steps that I have mentioned above.

Use AMP and Shortpixel plugin this will really help you in making a mobile-friendly website.

When you will be able to make your website mobile-friendly you will see rapid growth in the traffic of your website.

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